Does your soul need an anchor? Have you ever thought about it? Probably not when life is going well, but when the storms of life hit then….
…it would really nice to have an anchor.
An anchor is a device made of metal that is used to connect a boat to the bed of a body of water, to prevent the boat from drifting due to currents & wind.
I love to fish, and one of the most important pieces of gear I use is my boat anchor. You see when I fish I tend to loose focus on whatever is going on around me. If I didn’t through my anchor in the water I would end up running my boat aground and even possibly sinking it. Deploying the anchor allows me to be secure and enjoy fishing without worrying about such destruction. Our faith and hope in Jesus is a lot like that anchor. We get easily distracted in life and are susceptible to running ourselves aground and sinking our proverbial ships. How awesome is it that we too have an anchor that we need to keep deployed! Life can bring many distractions, and the winds and storms of life can threaten to run us aground, but if we have our anchor deployed to Jesus than we can be assured that “come hell or high water” we will be secure in Christ. – Pastor Shawn
Hebrews 6:19
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”
“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.”
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