What if we are wrong?

If we are completely honest, we would admit to wondering if there really is a God at times.  I know in my faith journey I have had periods of doubt.  I have deeply wondered and contemplated, what if we “Christians” are wrong? First of all pondering this question does not make you a bad christian.  I think it is quite normal to struggle with this question at one point or another.  Let me share with you 4 ways I was able to process these thoughts.
1.The origins of the Universe.  I have given this topic much thought.  Science in general will point you to the Big Bang as the origins of the Universe.  That is somewhat fine, however, where did the particles needed for the Big Bang come from?  Science does not do an adequate job answering this question.  Even if it was a Big Bang, than someone or something had to create the particles necessary to have a bang.  In the Latin there is a term called “ex nihilo”  which means to create something out of nothing.  It is attributed to God and the creation event.  To get things going, someone or something had to create something out of nothing.  Hmmm.
2.Even if we are wrong, living the Christian lifestyle is a great way to live.  There is problem solving principle called Okham’s Razor.  Basically is states if there exist two explanations for an occurrence, the simpler one is usually better.  Now follow this line of thought.  The best case scenario for a Christian is they are right and at the end of life they will spend eternity in Heaven.  The worst case scenario for a Christian is they are wrong and will simple cease to exist, but will have lived a life consistent with forgiveness, generosity, compassion, love, understanding, and serving their fellow man. Now for the atheist the best case scenario is living life however you choose, and the end will be them simply ceasing to exist.  The worst case scenario is their is a God and they will miss out on eternity with Him, and will spend eternity separated from God.  Pretty heady stuff, but if you think about it, why wouldn’t you bet on the Christian life?
3.God stories.  There have been things that have occurred in my life that have no other explanation than the existence of a loving and merciful God.  I have known people who we’re healed of the miraculous sort.  I have had other Christians with the gift of prophecy share a word from the Lord with me, that no one but God would have known to share with me.  I have seen way too many lives transformed after choosing to become a Christian.  I have been a part of financial miracles that clearly point to a loving Father.  
4. Finally we get some help from C.S. Lewis on this one.  Liar, Lord or Lunatic.  C.S. Lewis posits that Jesus had to be one of the three.  He was perhaps a liar, so his claims of being God and the savior were to gain him status, which it did and also failed if that was his goal, because it got him killed.  One thought is he is who He claimed to be, Lord.  Or he was a complete lunatic, which also led to his death.  You see by claiming to be Lord, this enraged the religious leaders of the day.  It was blasphemy and was the ultimate reason the crucified him.  Jesus’ own profession led to his death.  So I agree with Lewis, you have to choose what you believe, He was either a Liar, Lord, or a Lunatic.  The preponderance of the evidence points to LORD!!!
– Pastor Shawn Harnish
