The need for this service became real to DFC this Fall when a 45 year old man who was out of work stopped by the church for help. He was in desperate need of a toothbrush, deodorant, underwear, and socks. Through our conversation, it was also learned that he was more than willing to work but had no transportation and had been laid off from the last two jobs due to cutbacks. Through community contacts, an interview was arranged and the man obtained local employment.
Unlike the man in our story, not everyone is destitute but everyone who asks DFC for help has a serious need. Unfortunately, social services or area food pantries are not able to help people in all situations. Pantries do not always have personal or household items and may have limited hours. Social Services’ SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) program does not provide for personal and household items; their emergency assistance is not always available to all people in need; and, regular assistance takes 45 days to grant.
DFC is able to offer a Christian response to “the least of our brothers and sisters” 6 days a week. A wish list is available at the Care Cupboard display in the reception area and through the DFC website. Donations may be dropped off at the display. Please direct monetary donations to the DFC office and mark the check memo line “Care Cupboard”. Thank you.