Brief Message

Last week we talked about the 10 commandments but this week I want to take a closer look at what is called the great commandments and share what I think is one of the most important verses in all of the bible.  

Matthew 22:36-40 Amplified Bible (AMP)

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 And Jesus replied to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself 40 The whole Law and the [writings of the] Prophets depend on these two commandments.”

Now it’s that last line I think is so important.

I believe it’s Jesus telling us what all the rest of the bible depends on. 

What the two very most important rules to live are.  That if we focus on doing these two things the rest of the rules and things in our life will fall into place around them.  

The first rule is this.  To love God w/ our hearts, our minds, and our souls.

We can do this in many different ways.

By singing songs to God, praying to Him, reading the bible, learning about Him, and trying to live our lives the way in which He teaches us.  

The Second God tells us, is just like it. 

Take a second to look around you.  See all those people.  

God tells us we are to love “these very people” around us in the same way we are supposed to love and take care of ourselves.  The word the bible uses for love in its original language is  the word “agape.”  This word means not just to love with our feelings but to love by helping each other out and doing what’s best for each other.

So if there was one thing is all of the bible that we should try and remember and live by I think this right here is it.  Everything else we are going to learn about moving forward will be built on top of these two things.  So Kids as you go through the week and so on and and you’re unsure of what to do ask yourself these two questions.  Is what I’m doing loving God, and is it loving to myself and the people around me. 


Kids Church Details
Dansville Foursquare Church and the Community Center welcome all children between the ages of 1 year old through 6th grade to our Kid’s Church program. We have a staffed play area for children ages 1-4, anyone younger than that must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to be in the playroom. For children 4 years old through 6th grade we have two staffed class rooms. Our mission is to provide a safe, stimulating environment for your child. We appreciate the opportunity to teach and take care of your child. For the safety of all children please review and follow the child care policies below. If you have any questions regarding our church policies on Child Safety, please contact 585-335-7707
  •   Kid’s Church is available to Church attendees and guests.

  •   Kid’s Church is available for up to two hours per visit.

  •   Parents and legal guardians must remain in the church while their child is in the Kid’s Church.

  •   Parents and legal guardians must sign in and sign out their child, using our Child Check in program.

  •   Children 1 year old through 6th grade are eligible to use Kid’s Church.

  •   If a child exhibits symptoms of sickness or illness the guardian will be notified and the child will be asked to leave Kid’s Church.

  •   The church reserves the right to remove or suspend children perceived as an endangerment to themselves or others

  •   Parent/guardian needs to present pick up ticket to take child from classroom.

  •   The church is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  •   The church reserves the right to suspend Kid’s Church privileges from any member or guest who neglects the policies.

  •   If a parent or guardian is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the police will be notified immediately.

  •   Any and all suspicions of abuse will be reported to the authorities.

  •   We hold the right to change these policies at any time.

child safety